home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 11 poke53280,2:poke53281,.:poke650,128
- 12 ifx=.thenprintchr$(142)"[147][153] welcome to the print shop viewer"
- 15 ifx=.thenx=1:load"bload.o",8,1
- 20 poke56,120:clr:poke2,1:tp$="":rem keep tp here!!!!!
- 25 sys828,50759,"text/dot/wipe.o"
- 30 sys828,51456,"unpacker"
- 35 sys828,32768,"ps.combo2.o"
- 37 sys828,49152,"ps ipa"
- 39 :
- 40 gosub1500:rem define strings & vars
- 50 gosub1000:rem read names of images
- 55 gosub2000:rem display names for view
- 60 gosub2500:rem move highlight and select images
- 65 ri=cs+(cp-1)*28:tf=.:fl=.
- 70 ifa$="[133]"thengosub3000:sys51459:goto60
- 75 ifa$="[134]"thengosub5000:sys51459:goto60
- 80 ifa$="[135]"thencp=cp+1:ifcp>npthencp=1
- 81 ifa$="[135]"thengosub2040:ifnp>1thencs=1
- 82 ifa$="[135]"then60
- 85 ifa$="[136]"thengosub60000:gosub2100:goto60
- 90 sys828,22528,im$(ri):di=ri:gosub4000:goto60
- 990 stop
- 999 :
- 1000 open3,8,3,"ps.names":co=.:np=1
- 1005 ni=28
- 1010 dim im$(ni),me$(ni)
- 1020 fora=1toni
- 1030 input#3,im$(a):me$(a)=im$(a)
- 1050 ni(np)=ni(np)+1
- 1060 b=len(me$(a)):ifb<>16thenme$(a)=me$(a)+left$(sp$,16-b)
- 1070 next:close3:return
- 1080 :
- 1500 tp$="[213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]"
- 1510 si$="[221] [221]"
- 1520 di$="[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]"
- 1530 bo$="[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 1540 bt$="[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][157][148][192]"
- 1550 sp$=" "
- 1560 cs=1 :rem current selection
- 1570 jo=56320:rem joystick port 2
- 1580 cp=1 :rem current page
- 1990 return
- 1999 :
- 2000 print"[147][153][146]"tp$si$si$di$;
- 2010 fora=1to14:printsi$;:next
- 2020 printdi$si$si$si$si$si$bt$;
- 2030 fora=217to242:pokea,peek(a)or128:next
- 2040 print"[146][158] astrographics print shop images"
- 2050 print"[150] by doug cummins and loadstar "
- 2060 print"";
- 2070 mi=int(ni(cp)/2):rem middle image
- 2080 if(np>1)and(cp<>np)thenmi=14
- 2085 si=(cp-1)*28:rem starting image for current page
- 2090 fora=si+1tosi+mi:printtab(1)"][154]"me$(a)"[ ][154]"me$(a+mi)"[":next
- 2093 ifsi+14=si+mithen2100
- 2096 fora=si+13tosi+mistep-1:print" ":next
- 2100 print"[154]number of pages:"np;
- 2110 printtab(23)"[154]current page:"cp
- 2120 print"f1 [154]- auto mode"
- 2130 print"f3 [154]- quick look [158]crsr keys move "
- 2140 print"f5 [154]- next page [158]highlight"
- 2150 print"f7 [154]- quit [158]return selects it."
- 2160 return
- 2500 b=cs:ifb>mithenb=b-mi
- 2510 print"";:fora=1tob:print:next
- 2520 printtab(2);:ifcs>mithenprinttab(19)"->";
- 2530 print""me$(si+cs);:poke198,.
- 2535 ifcs<mi+1thenprint"[146]<-";
- 2540 geta$:gosub2700:ifa$=""then2540
- 2545 if(a$=chr$(13))or(a$="[133]")or(a$="[134]")or(a$="[135]")or(a$="[136]")thenreturn
- 2550 b=cs:ifb>mithenb=b-mi
- 2560 print"";:fora=1tob:print:next
- 2570 printtab(2);:ifcs>mithenprinttab(19)" ";
- 2580 print"[154]"me$(si+cs);
- 2585 ifcs<mi+1thenprint" ";
- 2590 ifa$=""thencs=cs+1:ifcs>ni(cp)thencs=ni(cp)
- 2600 ifa$="[145]"thencs=cs-1:ifcs<1thencs=1
- 2610 ifa$=""thencs=cs+mi:ifcs>ni(cp)thencs=cs-mi*2
- 2620 ifa$="[157]"thencs=cs-mi:ifcs<1thencs=cs+mi*2
- 2640 goto2500
- 2700 if(peek(jo)and16)=.thena$=chr$(13):return
- 2710 a=(peek(jo)and15):ifa=15thenreturn
- 2720 ifa=14thena$="[145]"
- 2730 ifa=07thena$=""
- 2740 ifa=13thena$=""
- 2750 ifa=11thena$="[157]"
- 2760 return
- 2990 rem display the images starting at ri (which is where the high-
- 2991 rem light is currently at) and ending with the last image
- 3000 fordi=ritoni:tf=1
- 3010 sys828,22528,im$(di)
- 3012 gosub4000:rem plot ps image
- 3020 poke249,224:poke250,204:sys50765:ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thenreturn
- 3030 fl=1:next:ifri=1thenreturn:rem if ri=1 we started at the beginning
- 3035 rem display the images starting at 1 and ending at ri - 1
- 3040 fordi=1tori-1:tf=1
- 3050 sys828,22528,im$(di)
- 3060 gosub4000:rem plot ps image
- 3070 poke249,224:poke250,204:sys50765:ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thenreturn
- 3080 fl=1:next:return
- 4000 iffl=.thenpoke249,224:poke250,204:sys51459:sys50765
- 4007 n$=im$(di):poke53270,200:sys50759,n$,(240-len(n$)*8/2),64
- 4008 n$="crafted by":sys50759,n$,200,80
- 4009 n$="doug cummins":sys50759,n$,192,96
- 4012 :
- 4030 r=148:cq%=1
- 4031 open2,8,2,"g-"+im$(di)
- 4033 get#2,a$:get#2,a$
- 4035 forx=1to6:sys49152,2,40
- 4036 iftp$=""then4038
- 4037 sys50759,tp$,8,r
- 4038 r=r+8
- 4040 next:close2
- 4050 poke53270,200
- 4052 poke33057,8:poke33058,212:sys32776
- 4055 poke33057,8:poke33058,1:sys32768
- 4060 sys50759,"press a key",202,128:iftf=1thensys50759,"[q to quit]",202,128
- 4062 poke198,.
- 4065 geta$:gosub2700:ifa$=""then4065
- 4070 iftf=.thensys51459
- 4080 return
- 5000 px=.:py=.:tf=1:poke249,224:poke250,204:sys51459:sys50765:poke53270,200
- 5010 gosub7000
- 5050 forx=1toni:sys828,22528,im$(x)
- 5060 poke53270,200:poke33057,py:poke33058,px:sys32776
- 5070 px=px+45:ifpx>224thenpx=.:py=py+46
- 5080 geta$:ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thenreturn
- 5090 fl=.:ifx/20=int(x/20)thengosub6000:iffl=1thenreturn
- 5100 next:fl=1:syste,"[press a key]",118,188
- 5110 poke198,.:wait198,1:return
- 5120 :
- 6000 syste,"[press a key]",118,188
- 6010 poke198,.:wait198,1:geta$:poke198,.:ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thenfl=1:return
- 6020 poke249,224:poke250,204:sys50765
- 6030 gosub7000:px=.:py=.:return
- 7000 te=50759:syste,"print shop",244,40:syste,"is a",268,48
- 7010 syste,"trademark",244,56
- 7020 syste,"of",276,64:syste,"broderbund",244,72
- 7030 syste,"software",252,80:syste,"q to quit",244,110
- 7040 return
- 60000 print"[146]";
- 60010 fora=1to2:print" ":next
- 60020 print"[154] are you sure you want to quit? (y[154]/n[154])":poke198,.
- 60030 fora=1to2:print" ":next
- 60040 a=peek(203):ifa<>25anda<>39then60040
- 60050 ifa=39thenreturn
- 60060 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60070 ifer<>63thenprint"";:poke198,.:end
- 60075 poke53281,0
- 60080 print"[147][144]load"chr$(34)"hello connect"chr$(34)",8"
- 60090 print"run"
- 60095 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end